Notice: Undefined offset: 8192 in /home/miphpf/domains/ on line 499

Notice: Undefined offset: 8192 in /home/miphpf/domains/ on line 506

Warning: Incorrect key file for table './miphpf_miphpfcom/watchdog.MYI'; try to repair it query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', 'preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/miphpf/domains/ on line 291.', 2, '', '', '', '', 1738745549) in /home/miphpf/domains/ on line 121
Controller Plugin | MIPHPF - Your Open Source RAD PHP Framework
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Controller Plugin

: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/miphpf/domains/ on line 291.

miControllerPlugin class defines three methods to extend the functionality of the controller object. These 3 methods are called at specific times during the processing of the request.

* preProcessAction()  to execute specific code before the action is processed.
* postProcessAction() to implement functionality which is executed after the action is processed.
* processActionStep() to execute code at some step in the processing of actions. Action step can be 'preShowForm', 'postCreate', 'postUpdate', etc., and depend on the specific action.

* Usage of the miControllerPlugin class

class miWriteToLogPlugin extends miControllerPlugin {
LOG_FILE = '/tmp/debug.log';
DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
public function processActionStep($action, $actionStep)
        switch (
$this->log('Object is being created');
$this->log('Object is being updated');
public function postProcessAction($action, $actionResult)
        if (
$action instanceof miExecCreateAction)  {
            if (
$this->log('Object created successfuly');
$this->log('Error occured while creating the object');
        else if (
$action instanceof miExecEditAction)  {
            if (
$this->log('Object updated successfuly');
$this->log('Error occured while updating the object');
public function log($message)
file_put_contents(self::LOG_FILE, date(self::DATE_FORMAT) . ': ' . $message, FILE_APPEND);
$dataManager->registerPlugin(new miWriteToLogPlugin());