Submit Fields Plugin
miSubmitFieldsPlugin class is derived from miControllerPlugin. It manages the uploaded files.
* Example use
// Prepare the submit fields array
// Uploaded files will be moved from the temporary path to path specified through 'namePrefixSave' and 'nameSuffix'
// 'fieldName' is the input field name
// 'namePrefixSave' this is the uploaded file prefix (including path)
// 'namePrefixWeb' this is the prefix used in the HTML code to access the image
// 'nameSuffix' this is the uploaded file suffix (including extenstion)
$submitFields = array(
'fieldName' => 'MenuItemImage',
'namePrefixSave' => '../../images/products/img_',
'namePrefixWeb' => '/images/products',
'nameSuffix' => '.jpg'
// Register the plugin with the data manager object
new miSubmitFieldsPlugin($dataManager, $submitFields);