Data Manager
Data Manager is a base class for a CRUD or a listing page. CRUD stand for Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete. In other words by subclassing Data Manager any kind of management screen can be easily created.
To set up a data manager derive the base class (miDataManager) and map the page templates and form fields. Create a object of this class and pass it to the newly created page object.
When a data manager object is created, it initializes the table, and the form object through initTable() and initWebForm() methods. When they are initialized, action handling mechanism is invoked - action object is created, and its doAction() method is called.
The action object processes the request and displays the page.
Basic actions are provided by the framework to create, edit , view, list, and delete data.
Creation: miCreate and miExecCreate classes
Editing: miEdit and miExecEdit classes
View: miViewAction class
Delete: miExecDelete class
Listing: miListAction class
Description how to implement various common situations follows:
1. Specify own domain object
Domain object is created within the method createDomainObject(). Overriding this method allows creation of specific domain objects.
* Example
class UserDataManager extends miDataManager
// Set the templates location
protected $_templates = array(
self::TEMPLATE_ID_CREATE => 'public/user/user_create.tmpl'
// Map the page fields
protected $_dataFields = array(
'field' => 'miWebFormWidgetText',
'data' => 'UserLogin',
'field' => 'WebFormWidgetCreatePassword', // Use custom widget class
'data' => 'UserPassword',
protected function createDomainObject()
// Get the miRecord object from the data manager
$record = new miSqlRecord('Users', 'UserID');
// Just create the custom domain object and return the control to the data manager
return new UserCreateDomainObject($record);
Note: It is recommended that domain objects are created through factory class.
2. Customize table
To initialize the table, when listing records, override the initTable() method.
* Example
class UserDataManager extends miDataManager
// Set the templates location
protected $_templates = array(
self::TEMPLATE_ID_CREATE => 'public/user/user_create.tmpl'
// Map the page fields
protected $_dataFields = array(
'field' => 'miWebFormWidgetText',
'data' => 'UserLogin',
'field' => 'WebFormWidgetCreatePassword', // Use custom widget class
'data' => 'UserPassword',
public function initTable(miTable $table)
// Initialize the default behaiviour of the table
// Create table pager with records per page manager
$pager = new miTablePager($table);
new miTableRecordsPerPage($table, $pager);
Like for tables, there is a function initWebForm() which initializes the miWebForm object. Functionality can be changed for create / edit forms through overriding this method.
* Example
class UserDataManager extends miDataManager
// Set the templates location
protected $_templates = array(
self::TEMPLATE_ID_CREATE => 'public/user/user_create.tmpl'
// Map the page fields
protected $_dataFields = array(
'field' => 'miWebFormWidgetText',
'data' => 'UserLogin',
'field' => 'WebFormWidgetCreatePassword', // Use custom widget class
'data' => 'UserPassword',
public function initWebForm(miWebForm $form)
$productOptions = miUtil::getDBArray('SELECT ProductOptionID, ProductOptionName FROM ProductOptions', 'ProductOptionID', 'ProductOptionName');
$productOptionsSelect = new miWebFormWidgetSelect($form);
$form->addMainPageElements(array('%%PRODUCTOPTIONS%%' => $productOptionsSelect->getEditableControl()));
Preprocessing, or post processing is performed by preProcess() and postProcess() methods. These two function can be reimplemented to change the default behavior.
* Example
class UserDataManager extends miDataManager
protected function preProcess($actionObj)
// $actionObj is the action object
// Here goes the specific code ...
protected function postProcess($actionObj, $actionResult)
// $actionObj is the action object
// $actionResult is the result of the action processing
// Here goes the specific code ...