Manages a web form
Located in /view/WebForm.php (line 15)
A reference to the error hanlder object
Array with data to displayed by the widgets
Array with field objects
Array that describes the output and input of each web field
Reference to the message object, or null
Template section infos to be added when parsing the template
The validators
Constructs the miWebForm
Adds new template section info
Returns the message object if $this->_messageObj is null creates new miMessage object
Return the submitted field value
Returns the web form errors handling object
Returns the widget
Set the form fields
Called just before the template is parsed Subclasses can add custom functionality using this method
Parses the form template
Removes all validators for a field
Sets form data
Sets the form data row
Shows the form
Documentation generated on Thu, 08 May 2008 16:58:01 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1