Class miBreadcrumb


Class for displaying the breadcrumb showing the hierarchical structure of the website

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Mirchev Ideas Ltd. All rights reserved.

Located in /util/Breadcrumb.php (line 15)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
array|boolean findPage (string $page, array $pages)
string getBreadcrumbHtml (string $page)
void setLinkTemplate (string $linkTemplate)
void setSeparator (string $separator)
string stripIndexPage (string $page)
mixed $_indexPages = array('/index.html', '/index.htm', '/index.php', '/index.phtml') (line 52)

Contains all index pages names

  • access: protected
mixed $_linkTemplate = '<a href="%%LINK%%">%%NAME%%</a>' (line 45)

Contains the link template for each breadcrumb link

The %%LINK%% and %%NAME%% params are replaced within it

  • access: protected
mixed $_pageNames = array() (line 30)

Array with the names of all pages

  • access: protected
mixed $_pages = array() (line 23)

Tree containing all pages and the hierarchy between them.

A page can be in both as a key or as a value. If it is as a key it might have an array of subpages.

  • access: protected
mixed $_separator = '&nbsp;->&nbsp;' (line 37)

Contains the separator that is put between the breadcrumb links

  • access: protected
findPage (line 135)

Finds the $page in the $pages array and returns array containing the path to it

  • access: protected
array|boolean findPage (string $page, array $pages)
  • string $page
  • array $pages
getBreadcrumbHtml (line 62)

Returns the breadcrumb as HTML

  • access: public
string getBreadcrumbHtml (string $page)
  • string $page
setLinkTemplate (line 121)

Sets the link template for each breadcrumb link

  • access: public
void setLinkTemplate (string $linkTemplate)
  • string $linkTemplate
setSeparator (line 109)

Sets the separator between the items in the breadcrumb

  • access: public
void setSeparator (string $separator)
  • string $separator
stripIndexPage (line 93)

If the page ends with an index page name, that index page name is stripped.

Otherwise returns the $page unaltered

  • access: protected
string stripIndexPage (string $page)
  • string $page

Documentation generated on Thu, 08 May 2008 16:57:12 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1