The standard filters
Class | Description |
miSqlFilter | Abstract base sql filter class |
miSqlFilterOneValue | Abstract filter class for filters with one parametized value |
miSqlFilterSubstring | Filter for matching substrings. Uses the like operator |
miSqlFilterStarts | Filter for matching the begining of strings. Uses the like operator |
miSqlFilterEnds | Filter for matching the endings of strings. Uses the like operator |
miSqlFilterSimple | Base filter class for simple comparion operator filters |
miSqlFilterEqual | |
miSqlFilterNotEqual | |
miSqlFilterBiggerThan | Simple filter for the > (bigger than) operator |
miSqlFilterBiggerOrEqual | Simple filter for the >= (bigger or equal) operator |
miSqlFilterSmallerThan | Simple filter for the < (smaller than) operator |
miSqlFilterSmallerOrEqual | Simple filter for the <= (smaller or equal) operator |
miSqlFilterRegExp | Regular expression filter |
miSqlFilterIn | Filter checking that the field is equal to any of the vaues |
miSqlFilterNotIn | Filter checking that the field is not equal to any of the vaues |
miSqlFilterCustom | Sql filter with custom SQL code |
Include the db class
Documentation generated on Thu, 08 May 2008 16:57:32 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1