Template parser example
Test 1: A section that will be displayed:
Test section 1 - visible - a variable
Test 2: A section that will be skipped
Test 3: A section that will be displated 3 times
Test section 3 - repeated 3 times
V - 1
Test section 3 - repeated 3 times
V - 2
Test section 3 - repeated 3 times
V - 3
Test 4: A section that has subsections
Test section 4: sub section - subsection var;
second sub section
Test 5: A section that has subsection.
Main section will be listed 3 times, and the subsection will be listed 2, 4, 3 times depending on the parent section.
Iteration 1: subsection x subsection x
Iteration 2: subsection y subsection y subsection y subsection y
Iteration 3: subsection z1 subsection z2 subsection z3
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Execution time is 0.002 seconds.